Balance in good design

balancing act

Every artist knows that there are several principles to good design.  Balance must be achieved in every design.  Balance is the equal distribution of visual weight in a design.  It can be achieved in many ways.  Both symmetrical and asymmetrical design achieve balance.  Symmetrical design, or “formal” balance, creates structured uniformity and is achieved when “mirror images” are created on opposite sides of a design.  Asymmetrical balance offers more dynamic and interesting visual imagery and can be created through contrasting elements in the design.  Although they have differing visual elements they have equal weight in the design.

Some ways to create asymmetrical balance are through position, size, orientation, texture, value, color, quantity and shape.  Position refers to the positioning of an object in the total piece.  The further off of center an object is the more visual weight it will carry.  Size refers to how big or small an object is in relation to other objects.  The larger an object is the more visual weight it carries.  Orientation refers to the direction in which objects interact with each other.  Diagonal orientation carries more visual weight than horizontal or vertical orientation.  Every object has a texture to it.  More complex textures carry a heavier visual weight in a piece.  Value refers to how dark or light an object is.  The darker the value of an object the more visual weight.  A brighter color, or more intense color, will be heavier in a piece.  Quantity is commonly used in asymmetrical design.  Multiple smaller objects can balance one larger object.  Simple shapes don’t offer as much visual weight as complex ones.

Artists play with the balance in a piece to achieve different feelings or emotions, as well as, create uniformity.  Balance is key in creating a good design in any circumstance.  It even applies to typography and page layout.  Even a magazine article with little to no actual images must still have good balance to aid the reader and not cause eye strain or fatigue.  Whether you are creating a master piece or just doodling on a bar napkin, make sure all your work utilizes good balance.