May 10, 2014Identity, Vehicle Wraps, Vinyl Skin, Vinyl Wall Wrap Large Format Graphics …good for your business? Printed marketing materials are still very effective today. But, each company needs to know their budget and target market. If you are […]
March 25, 2014May 10, 2014Identity Logo Design vs. Logo Concept Design Too often designers are stifled on jobs for clients because they are asked to provide a design concept for a logo but […]
February 21, 2014February 21, 2014Uncategorized Finding & Keeping Good Print Vendors Unless you are a web designer, exclusively, it is essential for most graphic designers to establish good working relationships with various types […]
February 1, 2014February 1, 2014Uncategorized Raster(bitmap) vs. Vector Art Work Very often clients have photos or images that they would like to use for various projects. They always ask if they can […]